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¡Hola!, aquí os dejo el vídeo original de la canción de los BEATLES, "YELLOW SUBMARINE", que para nuestro Proyecto Comenius ha sido rebautizada como "PERAL SUBMARINE". También puedes ver la nueva letra que hemos creado para el proyecto, ¡a ver si te la aprendes bien!.


In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines

He was named Isaac Peral
and he was an engineer
And he lived beneath the waves
In his marvellous submarine

We all live in the Peral submarine
Peral submarine, Peral submarine
We all live in the Peral submarine
Peral submarine, Peral submarine

And our friends are all on board
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to sing

We all live...

If you want to visit him
come to Murcia and you will see
Sky of blue and sea of beach
In our Peral submarine

We all live...

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TUTORA 1º: Dña Ana

TUTORA 2º: Doña Sofía

TUTORA 3º: Doña Inma

TUTOR 4º: Doña Encarna

TUTOR 5º: Don Antonio

TUTORA 6º: Don Paco Pepe

Profe de EF: Don Moisés (Secre)

Profe de EF: Doña Encarna T.

Profe de Música: Doña Cristina (Dire)

Profe de Inglés: Doña Paqui

Profe de Inglés: Don Juan Francisco

Profe de Religión: Don José Manuel

Profe de Audición y Lenguaje: Doña Mª Carmen

Profe de Pedagogía Terapéutica: Doña Encarna L.

Lectora: Por determinar

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